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Welcome! I am a Business, Economics and Psychology teacher working in London, examining for GCSE & A-Level and providing high quality resources so your students can enjoy and thrive in the study of these beautiful subjects. Positive reviews are much appreciated. School purchase orders can be emailed to zee.tes@hotmail.com - Zee




Welcome! I am a Business, Economics and Psychology teacher working in London, examining for GCSE & A-Level and providing high quality resources so your students can enjoy and thrive in the study of these beautiful subjects. Positive reviews are much appreciated. School purchase orders can be emailed to zee.tes@hotmail.com - Zee
Edexcel GCSE Business - Theme 2 - 2.5.3 Effective training and development

Edexcel GCSE Business - Theme 2 - 2.5.3 Effective training and development

This lesson introduces learners to different types of training such as external formal training and informal on the job training, pros and cons of both discussed and two 3 mark questions with model answers for self or peer assessment. Formula for retention rate and performance management is covered here too. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
3.10.4 Problems with strategy and why strategies fail - AQA A Level Business

3.10.4 Problems with strategy and why strategies fail - AQA A Level Business

This double lesson introduces learners to the reality of business - that strategies fail at times. We start by looking at the decision making process of developing a strategy and identify reasons where failure can be rooted from in this process. We then look at the difference between a planned and emergent strategy as well as strategic drift. A video of real life business examples that drifted away from the environment such as Nokia and Kodak. We look at the divorce between ownership and control and the impact this can have on a businesses strategy. We look at the subjective nature of ‘success’ when evaluating the performance of a strategy. Importance of contingency plans, some true or false questions, research task, debate, box plenary and a kahoot quiz on topics from all of year 2 for the final lesson! Enjoy! Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
OCR CTEC Business Unit 1 The Business Environment Interactive Knowledge Book

OCR CTEC Business Unit 1 The Business Environment Interactive Knowledge Book

The new CTEC Business Unit 1 Knowledge book is here! The ultimate resource for knowledge retrieval for this unit - completely aligned with the specification requirements. This resource includes: • Unit 1 knowledge workbook + answer book (interactive PDF) • 25 bright, colourful pages with images to help students make links • 55 areas of the spec tested • A traffic light checklist for students at the bottom of each page to use as a revision resource once completed This can be used in a variety of ways, for example: • Send electronically/upload for students to type in to rather than print (most cost effective) • Teacher can request this to be printed in an A4 or A5 booklet and hand out to class • Use as homework after each lesson or take time at the end of each lesson to complete the relevant page Cambridge Technical Level 3 Business
Edexcel GCSE Business - Theme 1 - 1.5.4 The economy and business 1.5.5 External influences

Edexcel GCSE Business - Theme 1 - 1.5.4 The economy and business 1.5.5 External influences

This 3 lesson bundle introduces learners to what the economy is made up of by discussing GDP and strong/weak economies around the world for a good foundation. We look at the business cycle and break down what happens at each stage, students have plenty of assessment opportunities to consolidate this knowledge. The second lesson looks at exchange rates and interst rates and their effects on consumers and businesses, calculation practice included and other activities to consolidate this knowledge. The final lesso looks at inflation and the effects of it, interesting examples included of the effect of inflation over the last few decades. We finally look at taxes and a range of group activities such as a class debate on increasing taxes. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
Edexcel A Level Business Theme 4 - 4.4.3 Controlling MNCs

Edexcel A Level Business Theme 4 - 4.4.3 Controlling MNCs

This lesson introduces learners to the extent of which MNCs actions can be controlled. We start with the some examples of significant actions by MNCs which would require intervention. We then look at reasons for how they can and cannot be controlled. A concise case study and video on the BP oil spill, students attempt a 12 mark question, structure guidance is given and a concise model answer to help students with developing contextual skills. We finish the course with a good old box plenary! Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you and I hope your class enjoys Theme 4 and that you save some time!
Edexcel GCSE Business - Theme 1 - 1.5.2 Technology and business

Edexcel GCSE Business - Theme 1 - 1.5.2 Technology and business

This lesson introduces learners to the growing importance of the role technology plays in business. We start by looking at some businesses that operating as both online and physical stores, some discussion on what type of online businesses students have used. A 3 mark question with a model answer is included as well as a 12 mark question based on a new online retailer that has gone physical recently. Structure guidance for the 12 mark question, with a model conclusion for students to look at before peer assessing and improving their own answers. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
4.5.2 Taxation - Theme 4 Edexcel A Level Economics

4.5.2 Taxation - Theme 4 Edexcel A Level Economics

This double lesson introduces learners to the world of taxes. We start by discussing what a tax is, types of taxes in the UK and the categories of taxes such as progressive, proportional and regressive taxation. An engaging story video on progressive taxes to highlight what it is and an evaluation. We look at VAT with some charts and graphs to contextualise it before looking at current income tax rates. We discuss the economic effects of changes in direct and indrect tax rates on other variables with examples and thought provoking questions. A 4 mark question with a model answer and video case studies with exam style questions to further prepare students for exams. Some true or false questions, mix and match, research task and stimulating debate questions. Two kahoot quizzes and a box plenary to finish with. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
OCR CTEC Business Unit 2 Working in Business Interactive Knowledge Book

OCR CTEC Business Unit 2 Working in Business Interactive Knowledge Book

The new CTEC Business Unit 2 Knowledge book is here! The ultimate resource for knowledge retrieval for this unit - completely aligned with the specification requirements. This resource includes: Unit 2 knowledge workbook + answer book (interactive PDF) 20 bright, colourful pages with images to help students make links 36 areas of the spec tested A traffic light checklist for students at the bottom of each page to use as a revision resource once completed This can be used in a variety of ways, for example: Send electronically/upload for students to type in to rather than print (cost effective and environmentally friendly) Teacher can request this to be printed in an A4 or A5 booklet and hand out to class Use as homework after each lesson or take time at the end of each lesson to complete the relevant page Cambridge Technical Level 3 Business
Edexcel GCSE Business - Theme 1 - 1.5.1 Business stakeholders

Edexcel GCSE Business - Theme 1 - 1.5.1 Business stakeholders

This lesson introduces learners to what a stakeholder is, we discuss examples of stakeholders, students consider the stakehodlers of their school, we then go on to look at the different interests of the stakeholders. Some consolidation activties such as matching stakeholders to definitions or a more challenging version included. Students consider the most important and least important interest for each stakeholder before going on to complete a 6 mark analyse question on Apple. A model answer is given with context highlighted in red - to help students build this important skill. Finally we look at conflicting interests of stakeholders with examples. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
Critical path analysis - A Level Business

Critical path analysis - A Level Business

This double lesson introduces learners to critical path analysis, quite a tricky concept to understand at first for a lot of students - but not with this powerpoint. We start with an engaging starter to contextualise the topic, then we break down the elements of the critical path such as node, EST LFT, activities and durations so that we can see how it is built. Guidance is displayed step by step how to work out EST and LFT. Students have opportunities to practice completing and calculating critical path analysis, including working out the EST and LFTs, float times and the critical path. A kahoot quiz with a link to consolidate the first lesson’s learning. We then look at the advantages and disadvantages of CPA, followed by a concise case study on the usefulness of using CPA (questions can either be calculations or essay based so both are covered here). Structure guidance and a concise model answer is given to help students improve their exam technique. A group task to construct a more challenging CPA and a box plenary to end with. All you need - open the powerpoint, run through it, and deliver quality lessons whilst saving precious time. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! - all files in zip folder. Thank you
OCR CTEC Business Unit 1 The business environment - LO6 External influences

OCR CTEC Business Unit 1 The business environment - LO6 External influences

This set of resources includes 5x PPTs, 4x word files and can be delivered over 8-10 lessons. There is quite a lot of theory in LO6, in the first powerpoint, we run through each category of influences briefly, and in the next 4 ppts we focus more on economic, legal and ethical influences as these are larger areas. For economic influences, we start by looking at some shocking (for students) price changes in the last few decades before looking at how inflation is calculated and the implications on businesses and concumsers. We then go onto looking at interest rates and again, implications on consumers and businesses. Two essay exam style questions included on each topic - both with structure guidance and concise model answers to help students with peer assessments. The second part to economic influences introduces learners to the stages in the business cycle and how each affects businesses and consumers, we also look at different types of tax and their implcications. Finally we look at exchange rates and their impacts. Two guided research tasks, a link to a kahoot quiz and box plenary to finish off with. For legal factors, we start by watching a clip on discrimination at work before looking at the various types of legislation that exists to protect consumers and employees. A matching consolidation activity followed by a case study on an electronics manufacturer, students have the opportunity to consider whether complying with law outweighs not complying with law - 12 mark question with structure guidance and a model answer. Students can self or peer assess with the marking grids before engaging in a kahoot, finally ending with a box plenary. For ethical factors, learners engage in provoking discussions. We start by looking at what ethics involves, we look at some real thought provoking case studies with Primark and Bangladesh’s factories, Apple and Foxconn’s sweatshops. A 12 mark question with a concise model answer to peer assess with and a debate task acting for and against firms that are unethical. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
3.10.1 Managing change - AQA A Level Business

3.10.1 Managing change - AQA A Level Business

This set of resources includes 2x PPTs which can be delivered over 4 lessons (over 50 slides of engaging and interactive learning). In the first lesson, we start by looking at what causes change in a business e.g. internal or external reasons, disruptive and incremental change. We discuss these with examples before looking at Lewin’s force field analysis, again with examples to make it easier to contextualise in answers. Some true or false questions before reading a case study and attempting a 16 mark exam style question, concise model answer and peer assessment grid provided for students to identify WWW and EBI and make improvements to their response. In the second lesson we look at the value of flexibility in an organisation i.e contracts, restructuring and delayering. a short exam style question on flexibility with model answer to compare. We then look at barriers or resistors to change and how to overcome them as outlined by Kotter. An excellent roleplay activity where a change is taking place in a business and students represent different stakeholders and give their views on the change. This can be presented back to the class and a discussion on how change is being implemented can be the focus. Kahoot quiz and box plenary to end with. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
Edexcel A Level Business Theme 3 (COMPLETE COURSE)

Edexcel A Level Business Theme 3 (COMPLETE COURSE)

This bundle for Edexcel’s A Level Theme 3 is the ultimate pack for teachers delivering this course. Updated for 2021 with more engaging and colourful slides to cater for remote learning needs. The highest quality, unrivalled lesson experiences from start to finish. Filled with real life examples, concise case studies to save time and focus on key skills of knowledge, application, analysis and evaluation. Questions with structured guidance and modelled answers for self/peer assessments - to save your time and to build their skills at the same time rather than just going through theory slide after slide. Please have a look at individual files to see previews. All you need - open the powerpoint, run through it, and deliver quality lessons whilst saving precious time. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! - all files in zip folder. Thank you Note: All lessons for this bundle have been uploaded individually, so please browse for these to look at previews, the purpose of this upload is to bundle with theme 4.
BTEC Business - Unit 19 Pitching a new business idea (Complete bundle)

BTEC Business - Unit 19 Pitching a new business idea (Complete bundle)

2 Resources
This bundle for Edexcel’s BTEC Business Level 3 (2016) - The ultimate pack for teachers delivering this course. Updated for 2021 with more engaging and colourful slides to cater for remote learning needs. This has been developed over a number of years so rest assured it will save time in planning and delivery. This bundle is filled with activities and plenty of structure for each criteria, so students have the absolute best opportunity to attain a distinction. Engage your learners and improve their transferable skills at the same time, rather than just going through theory slide after slide. Thank you
BTEC Business Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign - Learning aim A

BTEC Business Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign - Learning aim A

This 7 lesson bundle covers: A1 The role of marketing - 5 lessons A2 Influences on marketing activity - 2 lessons Filled with engaging activities designed to stimulate creativity whilst developing the skills needed to achieve top bands in the assessment foci. All you need - open the powerpoints, run through it, and deliver quality lessons whilst saving precious time. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! - all files in zip folder. Thank you
3.7.4 Analysing the external environment: Political and legal change - AQA A Level Business

3.7.4 Analysing the external environment: Political and legal change - AQA A Level Business

This set of resources includes 1x PPT which can be delivered over a double lesson (35 slides of engaging and interactive learning). We start by discussing what kinds of external influences on business exist before focusing on political influences, plenty of examples to help students contextualise the political influences before going on to legal changes which can impact on businesses. Again, examples and case studies to contextualise knowledge before a matching task on laws and a 16 mark evaluation question on legal change, model answer and peer assessment grid provided to help students develop exam technique. Some true or false questions, research task and a box plenary to end with. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
3.5.1 Setting financial objectives - AQA A Level Business

3.5.1 Setting financial objectives - AQA A Level Business

Learners are introduced into the world of financial objectives, we look at the important distinction between cash and profit before looking at the range of financial objectives set by businesses such as, revenue, cost and profit objectives, cash flow objectives, return on investment objectives. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
Investment appraisal - A Level Business

Investment appraisal - A Level Business

This bundle of lessons is the ultimate resource for investment appraisal and can be delivered over 2-3 lessons. We introduce learners to the three main techniques of investment appraisal, we go through each one, with step by step, concise, clear and engaging examples before students have a go at practising the calculations. We start with payback, a few examples with answers and then students can practice, we then look at the advantages before going on to ARR. A good set of examples and questions for ARR, with answers popping in to see how we get to the end figure. We then go on to look at NPV with a few more examples and questions. Two kahoot quizzes with links to further consolidate knowledge of how to calculate payback, ARR and NPV. A 20 mark question which requires some calculation is included, with a concise model answer for students to use to develop their own answer. We finish with the box plenary as usual. All you need to deliver investment appraisal - open the powerpoint, run through it, and deliver quality lessons whilst saving precious time. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! - all files in zip folder. Thank you
Edexcel A Level Business Theme 4 - 4.3.2 Niche markets 4.3.3 Cultural social factors

Edexcel A Level Business Theme 4 - 4.3.2 Niche markets 4.3.3 Cultural social factors

This double lesson introduces learners to global niche markets and cultural/social factors which affect global marketing. We start with discussing what a niche market is from theme 1, then go on to discuss a concise case study on a very interesting type of coffee. We then look at another concise case study of PepsiCo’s Gatorade which has launched in India with a particular type of global marketing strategy. A 12 mark question with structure guidance and a model answer to develop examination skills. We then look at cultural and social factors at play, and some real regrettable blunders made by companies. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
Edexcel A Level Business - Formula revision

Edexcel A Level Business - Formula revision

This free lesson helps learners to memorise the formulas needed for Edexcel A Level Business in an engaging and interactive way. All formulas included on a word document which can be used as flash cards - great revision tool. Please subscribe on mrzeesresources for updates on new upcoming resources, and do leave a message on the contact page about your future resource needs. Thank you - Please leave a review if you are happy with the download :)