Welcome! I am a Business, Economics and Psychology teacher working in London, examining for GCSE & A-Level and providing high quality resources so your students can enjoy and thrive in the study of these beautiful subjects. Positive reviews are much appreciated. School purchase orders can be emailed to zee.tes@hotmail.com - Zee
Welcome! I am a Business, Economics and Psychology teacher working in London, examining for GCSE & A-Level and providing high quality resources so your students can enjoy and thrive in the study of these beautiful subjects. Positive reviews are much appreciated. School purchase orders can be emailed to zee.tes@hotmail.com - Zee
This lesson introduces learners to the ‘tricky at first’ concept of limited liability. We start by clarifying limited and unlimited liability, with an illustrated example before going onto an interesting and concise case study about a sole trader who failed, then started again as a LTD company - a 10 mark question with structure guidance and a concise model answer for learners to use in self/peer assessments. A kahoot quiz to consolidate the topic.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
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This 3 lesson bundle covers:
3.6.1 Causes and effects of change
3.6.2 Key factors in change
3.6.3 Scenario planning
Filled with real life examples, concise case studies to save time and focus on key skills of knowledge, application, analysis and evaluation. Questions with structured guidance and model answers for self/peer assessments - to save your time and to build their skills at the same time.
All you need - open the powerpoint, run through it, and deliver quality lessons whilst saving precious time. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! - all files in zip folder.
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This lesson introduces learners to the extent of which MNCs actions can be controlled. We start with the some examples of significant actions by MNCs which would require intervention. We then look at reasons for how they can and cannot be controlled. A concise case study and video on the BP oil spill, students attempt a 12 mark question, structure guidance is given and a concise model answer to help students with developing contextual skills. We finish the course with a good old box plenary!
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
Thank you and I hope your class enjoys Theme 4 and that you save some time!
This double lesson introduces learners to critical path analysis, quite a tricky concept to understand at first for a lot of students - but not with this powerpoint. We start with an engaging starter to contextualise the topic, then we break down the elements of the critical path such as node, EST LFT, activities and durations so that we can see how it is built. Guidance is displayed step by step how to work out EST and LFT.
Students have opportunities to practice completing and calculating critical path analysis, including working out the EST and LFTs, float times and the critical path. A kahoot quiz with a link to consolidate the first lesson’s learning.
We then look at the advantages and disadvantages of CPA, followed by a concise case study on the usefulness of using CPA (questions can either be calculations or essay based so both are covered here). Structure guidance and a concise model answer is given to help students improve their exam technique. A group task to construct a more challenging CPA and a box plenary to end with.
All you need - open the powerpoint, run through it, and deliver quality lessons whilst saving precious time. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! - all files in zip folder.
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This set of resources can be delivered over 2-3 lessons and introduces learners to the various external sources of finance, building on from 2.1.1 internal finance. We start by recapping the reasons for finance, then go through each one with their pros and cons. A brief case study on Dr. Dre’s beats and share capital with a 4 mark question and model answer provided.
We then go on to consolidating the knowledge with some matching and recall activities before a group activity, students are put into groups and given scenarios that require finance, students decide which sources of finance are most appropriate for scenario and present ideas back to class. Class then decides who the weakest link is (encouraging application and evaluation skills)
A case study and 12 mark question on venture capital is included, structure guidance and a concise model answer is provided to help students develop their exam technique. A link to a kahoot quiz and box plenary to finish off with. I have found this to be a very engaging lesson personally.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
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This double lesson introduces learners to the various promotional strategies used by businesses.
Lots of real life examples to contextualize each promotion. A few 3 mark questions with modelled answers to develop exam skills. A 6 mark with modelled answer and context building skills.
A group activity to develop a brand and present it to the class with a worksheet to guide this.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
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This lesson introduces learners to quantitative sales forecasting, the lesson is broken down right from the beginning - we recap how to work out basic averages learnt in math, we then look at an example of how to work out 3 year moving average and then to centring with 8 figures, all broken down step by step. We then look at the limitations of using quantitative sales forecasting.
We then go on to read a concise case study where students have to work out the moving averages and then answer a 20 mark question (this can be done as a discussion or answered as an exam question), concise model answer is given and students can see how to structure a 20 mark question.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
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This resource includes 1x PPT and 1x word document which can be delivered over a double lesson.
We focus on Porter’s five forces by starting with a video outlining the model, then some slides to consolidate the theory on this interesting tool to analyse influences on an industry. A case study on Tesco’s buyer power is looked at before students attempt to carry out a Porter’s five forces analysis on the smartphone industry, this could be carried out as a group activity and findings presented back to class.
In the second lesson, we look at a case study which we previously looked at in year 1 (3.1.3) on the gaming market, now that students have studied the external environment in thorough detail in year 2, we attempt this again. Model answer and peer assessment grid provided, debate question, videos, case studies, kahoot quiz and a box plenary to finish with.
As we come to the end of external influences, some slides at the end to remind students that PESTLE and SWOT are also useful tools to analyse external influences on businesses together with Porter’s five forces.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
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This bundle for Edexcel’s GCSE Business 9-1 is the ultimate pack for teachers delivering this course. Updated for 2021 with more engaging and colourful slides to cater for remote learning needs. The highest quality, unrivalled lesson experiences from start to finish. This has been developed over a number of years and as a buyer commented ‘the best business lessons available on the market’.
This bundle is filled with real life examples, scenarios, individual and group activities, exam style questions with model answers so students can self or peer assess from looking at the board.
Engage your learners and improve their exam skills at the same time, rather than just going through theory slide after slide.
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This lesson introduces learners to the two types of growth, organic and inorganic. We start by looking at a concise study of one of the fastest growing firms in the UK. We look at the objectives of growth and limitations that comes with it such as diseconomies of scale.
We then go on to look at a brief case study of Microsoft and their growth, a 4 mark question, with a model answer to peer assess against. This is followed by a 12 mark question on the UK crisp market, structure guidance and a concise model answer again to ensure development of context and other important exam skills. We finish off with a box plenary to consolidate the day’s learning.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
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This lesson introduces learners to ways of raising capital from within the business. we start by discussing the reasons for why a business might need finance and the different types.
We look at the 3 main types of internal finance with their pros and cons, before a short pair research task to apply and consolidate. We then look at a concise case study of a firm that requires capital but wants to only use internal finance - a 12 mark question on this with structure guidance and a concise model answer for students to use when peer assessing. A peer assessment grid and how it is used by examiners is provided for students to make improves on WWW and EBI. A box plenary to finish with.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
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This double lesson introduces learners to what motivation is, students reflect on what motivates them. Financial and non financial methods are discussed. Two case studies, two 9 mark questions, one with guidance to help write a model answer.
I have included Maslow’s hierarchy of needs although they do not need to know this for this particular course, however it helps with understanding motivation and extend their knowledge on the topic.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
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This set of resources includes 1x PPT which can be delivered over a double lesson (35 slides of engaging and interactive learning).
We start by discussing what kinds of external influences on business exist before focusing on political influences, plenty of examples to help students contextualise the political influences before going on to legal changes which can impact on businesses. Again, examples and case studies to contextualise knowledge before a matching task on laws and a 16 mark evaluation question on legal change, model answer and peer assessment grid provided to help students develop exam technique. Some true or false questions, research task and a box plenary to end with.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
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This lesson introduces learners to the foundation of good customer services, this starts with learning about the sales process, each stage discussed with examples. Two 3 mark questions with model answers to build exam technique. A hilarious video to highlight the importance of customer service, finally a roleplay activity to bring the topic to life.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
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This double lesson introduces learners to labour productivity, turnover/retention and absenteeism. We start with looking at the formulas for each one, with broken down examples to illustrate the concepts.
We look at a concise case study with some information on employees, absences and productivity, using this students complete a calculation question along with group presentations on a 20 mark essay based question on labour rentention. After presentations, students can complete the 20 marker, or it could be completed for homework, structure and indicative points are provided to help with peer assesmeents.
This is followed by another case study on a construction company, who do things differently, students explore, how they keep their productivity levels up, responses to this could be done in groups and fed back to the class, we finish with a box plenary.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
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This set of resources includes 1x PPT and 2x word files and 4 clips, and can be delivered over a double lesson. Learners are introduced to what branding is made up of and looking at the top brands in the world. Plenty of real life examples of strong branding before looking at different types of above and below the line promotion.
We then go on to read a case study about a budget hotel chain, a 12 mark question with structure guidance and model answer is provided for students to look at when peer assessing and making improvements to WWW and EBI
A link to kahoot quiz and a box plenary to finish with, plus an 8 mark homework with a concise model answer provided to look at the following lesson.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
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The new Edexcel A Level Business Theme 4 Knowledge book is here! The ultimate resource for knowledge retrieval for theme 4 - completely aligned with the specification requirements.
This resource includes:
• Theme 4 knowledge workbook + answer book (interactive PDF)
• 15 bright, colourful pages with images to help students make links
• 32 areas of the theme 4 spec tested
• A traffic light checklist for students at the bottom of each page to use as a revision resource once completed
This can be used in a variety of ways, for example:
• Send electronically/upload for students to type into rather than print (most cost effective)
• Teacher can request this to be printed in an A4 or A5 booklet and hand out to class
• Use as homework after each lesson or take time at the end of each lesson to complete the relevant page
This set of resources includes 2x PPTs which can be delivered over 4 lessons (over 50 slides of engaging and interactive learning).
In the first lesson, we start by looking at what causes change in a business e.g. internal or external reasons, disruptive and incremental change. We discuss these with examples before looking at Lewin’s force field analysis, again with examples to make it easier to contextualise in answers. Some true or false questions before reading a case study and attempting a 16 mark exam style question, concise model answer and peer assessment grid provided for students to identify WWW and EBI and make improvements to their response.
In the second lesson we look at the value of flexibility in an organisation i.e contracts, restructuring and delayering. a short exam style question on flexibility with model answer to compare. We then look at barriers or resistors to change and how to overcome them as outlined by Kotter. An excellent roleplay activity where a change is taking place in a business and students represent different stakeholders and give their views on the change. This can be presented back to the class and a discussion on how change is being implemented can be the focus. Kahoot quiz and box plenary to end with.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
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This set of resources includes 1x PPT and 2x word files and can be delivered over 2-3 lessons. Learners are introduced to key concepts in organisational structures such as span of control and chain of command in engaging ways i.e chinese whispers to demonstrate the negatives of a long chain of command. We look at the pros and cons of tall, flat and matrix structures, then we move on onto centralised and decentralised structures. A short case study based on cartoon characters who have switched to decentralised - a few questions to contextualize the knowledge.
Students have the opportunity to learn about the supermarket industry, in particular Morrisons struggle with the budget supermarkets which led to restructuring - a 12 mark question with structure guidance and a detailed model answer to help students with peer assessments, as well as making improvements to WWW and EBI.
To spice it up a bit, a group matching task, where students have to create an organisational structure - answer sheet provided so teacher can look around whilst students work on it.
Two links to kahoot quizzes and a box plenary to finish with.
Colourful, concise and engaging slides!
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This free lesson helps learners to memorise the formulas needed for Edexcel A Level Business in an engaging and interactive way. All formulas included on a word document which can be used as flash cards - great revision tool.
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